Empires in the Sun, Paperback - Lawrence James

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Categorii History archaeology
History archaeology Weidenfeld Nicolson
Branduri Weidenfeld Nicolson
Magazin elefant.ro

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Empires in the Sun, Paperback - Lawrence James
History archaeology

Empires in the Sun, Paperback - Lawrence James

93 Lei

Descrierea produsului

From this eminent historian, he narrates how, between 1830 and 1945, Britain, France, Belgium, Germany, Portugal and Italy exported their languages, laws, religions, cultures and economic systems to Africa.

Poți cumpăra produsul Empires in the Sun, Paperback - Lawrence James din categoria history archaeology din magazinul online elefant.ro la prețul de 93 Lei.


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History archaeology,


Weidenfeld Nicolson




93 Lei

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