Getting Involved with God: Rediscovering the Old Testament, Paperback - Ellen F. Davis

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Getting Involved with God: Rediscovering the Old Testament, Paperback - Ellen F. Davis
Religion beliefs

Getting Involved with God: Rediscovering the Old Testament, Paperback - Ellen F. Davis

101 Lei

Descrierea produsului

This is a book about getting, and staying, involved with God what it takes, what it costs, what it looks and feels like, why anyone would want to do it anyway. It is at the same time a book about reading the Old Testament as a source of Good News and guidance for our life with God. The key piece of Good News that the Old Testament communicates over and over again is that God is involved with us, deeply and irrevocably so. from the Introduction With sound scholarship and her own vivid translations from the Hebrew, Old Testament professor Ellen Davis teaches us a spiritually engaged method of reading scripture. Beginning with the psalms, whose frank prayers can be a model for our own, Davis reflects on the stories of the patriarchs and the pastoral wisdom of the book of Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Songs in helping us cultivate those habits of the heart that lead to a rich relationship with God.

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Philosophy religion, Religion beliefs,


Cowley Publications



101 Lei

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